Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

7 Fun Ways to Lose Weight

No one wants to be a fat cricketer or coach.

Sure, you point to the tubby players at the top level and try to fool yourself that it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t work because deep down you know that being overweight just isn’t fun, especially if you want to do well on the pitch.

What stops you?

Losing weight and dieting and hitting the gym are even less fun than being fat.

Running on a treadmill isn’t anywhere near as exciting as scoring a hundred. Eating a cake at tea is plainly better than a protein shake and an apple.

Fitness for Coaches: How Important is it to be Physically Fit as a Coach?

When it comes to personal fitness, there are two schools of thought within the coaching industry.

Do You Make These 5 Preseason Training Mistakes?

Cricket is a simple game, but getting good during preseason gets complex when you look at the hundreds of different methods espoused by coaches and fitness gurus.

Where do you start?
How about with a list of what not to do?

These are the things I have tried and tested over a 20 year period as both a cricket coach and fitness trainer.

Controversial? Only if you don’t follow the evidence.

I stand by every one (and have made them all at one point or another).

4 Shortcuts to be Ready for the Cricket Season in Record Time

If you could boil preseason training down to its most basic and important elements what would you be left with?

The answer is the following 4 ingredients that anyone can mix together to improve their game in the shortest possible time. Think of it as your cheat sheet for what to work on in preseason.

That’s something which is especially important for those of us with limited time to train.

How strong should you be? Well, that's relative, but here are some general benchmarks.

5 Myths that Stop You Getting the Runs and Wicket You Deserve

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I have been coaching and playing cricket for decades. Every year I come across the same frustrating attitudes that stop people reaching their potential.

It all happens long before the season starts. People mess up their pre-season training and simply never recover when the weather improves.

If only they realised what they were saying and took positive action. It’s time we changed things for the better and started giving you the summer you deserve by giving you a preseason to be proud of.

These myths drive me mad, yet I hear them every preseason nets.

Get your Preseason Training Questions in for the Cricket Show and Win a Prize

As you know, the Cricket Show is on a Christmas and New Year break, but that doesn’t mean the team are resting.

We are busy getting the new season ready for January 13th and we need your questions.

The first show back will have a couple of surprises – so subscribe for free to get it when it’s out – and will be themed around getting ahead at preseason training.

Best of PitchVision Academy 2011

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What’s more traditional than an end of year review of the season?

All good teams do it, so all good coaching websites should too. Here are the most popular and relevant posts of the last 12 months here at PitchVision Academy.

It’s been a stellar year, thanks for coming along.

The Case Study

2 Simple Ways to Improve your Slip Catching

There are two types of fielders; people who are allowed to field in the slips and those who aren’t.

This is more down to the fielder’s reactions that their ability to catch.

The edge that flies straight into the body is regulation for the slip fielder, but many club and Academy cricketers struggle to react to catches either side of their body simply because of the variation in the pitch.

The more variation in the pitch the greater variation in the carrying edge.

Avoid Being Left Behind When Walking In

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It’s junior fielding lesson number two: walking in with the bowler.

Unfortunately, you often see a least one fielder in every side who doesn’t do it; and it makes a massive difference.

But you can go one better than walking in; you can trot in.

Walking in keeps momentum going forward.  Move continually towards the ball prevents a quick single or allows you to cut the firmly struck ball off before it is past you.

Cricket Show 143: Christmas Special

PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 143 Christmas Special.mp3
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Unwrap this early Christmas gift as the show has its festive special.

Burners, Mark Garaway and David Hinchliffe share out the egg nog and talk through all the cricket coaching issues of the holidays.

We find out why attacking spin bowling is becoming more important in limited over games and find out what issues Garas is seeing at his Christmas coaching camp in Somerset. Plus we answer your questions on making sure you are not undercooked and how to play off your legs.

It’s the last in the series this week, but don’t worry the show is back in the new year better than ever.